Wellness is about a healthier mind, body and lifestyle. The focus is on your entire body and prioritizing your overall health in order to maintain healthy wellbeing. There are many wellness retreats such as Santani Resort and Spa located in Sri Lanka, which focuses on ensuring you are able to be the best healthy version of yourself. However, the whole concept of wellness might seem to be quite daunting. One thing that would always help with that is to break this concept into achievable goals. Wellness goals are basically steps you can practically achieve in order to reach your ultimate goal of healthy wellbeing. So here are a few achievable goals you can set as your ultimate wellness goals.
- Sleep well
Easier said than done right? The importance of good sleep has been drilled into us since we were kids, but it still seems to be one of the hardest things to follow. So make sure you start off with something that is doable and tracks your sleeping hours and evaluate whether this correlates to your health and mood for the following day.
2. Drink plenty of water
If you are unsure of the importance of water and the benefits it has to your wellbeing, here’s a helpful article. Health experts commonly recommend 8 glasses of water per day. If this is hard for you to follow, try substituting that mid-day drink/tea for a glass of water or set specific times in the day to remind you about drinking water. If you are drinking a lot of water already, you are doing great, keep it up!
3. Healthy food
This might be a more challenging goal if you really love your junk food. But it is important to remember that each person’s wellness journey is different. So what does it mean for you to improve the healthiness of your diet? It might be only ordering fast food for two meals per week or eating more vegetables and fruits, each small step goes a long way.
4. Exercise
Watching your diet is not enough for a healthy body. It is important that we stay active and fit. So set your own attainable goals for exercise. If you are not too interested in exercising, you can always start with something small like giving yourself a step goal for the day or playing a game of football with your friends. Whatever it might be, ensure you are consistently active.
5. Meditation
As much as it is important to focus on your physical wellbeing, it is also important to focus on your mental and spiritual wellbeing. It is so easy to get caught up with all the tasks and responsibilities we have that taking a moment to pause and spend time with ourselves in solitude almost never happens. So schedule in a time for you to be able to meditate, practice yoga, journal or pray and prioritize this as much as the next thing.
6. Connect with nature
Another way in which you can ensure to improve your mental wellbeing is by connecting with nature. If you have been on a hike or a getaway that is away from the concrete jungle, you will know how calming it can be. Inculcating this practise of connecting with nature on a regular basis can be quite beneficial. It can be as simple as going for a walk in a park or stepping out to your balcony to breathe in the fresh air.
7. Break from digital devices
Due to all the challenges that popped up due to the pandemic, we have been more glued to our digital devices than ever before. And this can take such a toll on our emotional and mental wellbeing and can even lead to social media addiction or low self-esteem. To regulate your screen time by setting a limit on the number of hours you spend on your devices.
8. Social wellness
Whether you are an introvert or an extrovert, it is important that we connect with other people and foster meaningful relationships that will help us develop as individuals. So be intentional about replying to messages and calling people instead of being too busy for others. Humans are considered to be social beings and a lack of social interaction will affect our total well-being.